
28 January 2014

Ever wish you had really glossy soft hair? Well now you can!

Sometimes our hair can be really really (and I mean really) unmanageable and it leads to bad hair days. We all love to hear about ways to keep our hair silky, smooth and manageable.. so I put a few tips together to help prevent those awful bad hair days and keep you hair in perfect condition! 

1. Never tie your hair up when it's it. 
We all know not to do this, but admit we still do! Try to avoid it as it will cause your hair to get damage with spilt ends as when it's wet it becomes fragile and the bobbin breaks the hair.  But if you really hate your hair in the way when it's wet, instead of using a bobbin try using a big clip to clip it up and avoid so much damage to your hair.

2. Let your hair dry naturally.
If you have the time, let it dry naturally. Using a hair dryer constantly damages your hair so much, it's dries it out taking away the moisture and shine and also causes those dreaded split ends. If you start to let it dry naturally you'll notice your hair will become more shiner and look like silk. I always let my hair dry naturally, I rarely use a hairdryer. If you must use a hair dryer, use the warm setting to avoid so much damage. 

3. Use aragan oil if your hair is frizzy and dry.
Frizzy and dry hair can feel horrible, to restore some moisture and shine and get rid of the frizz treat you hair to a hot oil treatment. It will make a huge difference and your hair will thank you for it. If you don't want to fork out in the salon for it, buy some shampoo and conditioner that contains aragan oil. I recommend using the Tresseme brand. You can even buy some aragan oil in a spray and use it on damp hair. It smooths out the hair adding shine and getting rid of frizz.

4. Comb don't brush!
Brushing your hair when it's wet causes it to become brittle and look damaged. Instead, opt for using a wide toothed comb and gently comb the hair.

5. Another excuse to cut out the junk food!
Experts believe that dull, lifeless hair is linked to a bad diet. Load up on those fruit and veggies!

6. Avoid frequent washing.
Washing your hair too much will strip it of its natural oils making your hair dull and lifeless. Try using some dry shampoo instead and get another day out of your hair before washing it!

7. Buy for your hair type.
Just like your skin, your hair needs certain products to look its best. If you have curly hair, buy products suited for curly hair, if your hair is straight .. Buy products for straight hair and so on. 

8. Stay natural.
If you want to keep you hair in really good condition, don't dye it! There's loads of reasons why: split ends, dry hair, looks coarse and rough .. I could go on and on ..!

9. Products.
Avoid using styling products that contain alcohol which will dry out your hair.

10. Water temp matters too.
Using hot water will cause dry scalp as it irritated the scalp, use warm water instead.

11. Hydrate and protect.
Using a leave in conditioner suited to your hair type will hydrate and protect it during the day keeping it shiny and frizz free. Leave in conditioner for hair is like moisturizer for the face! 

12. Trim. 
Trimming your hair will reduce split ends and keep the hair looking and feeling smooth and shiny!

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