
6 January 2014

Tips on how to get the perfect eyebrows!


Some people aren't really sure of how to pluck their eyebrows right and get the right shape for their face, it's can be quite daunting if you are only just starting to groom your eyebrows (not to mention it's painful too). Obviously you don't want to make a mistake in plucking them because you can't fix it until they grow back. So I have put together a few tips on how to get the perfect eyebrows to frame your face and pluck them correctly. There are also a few tips on how to make it less painful! These tips are from my own experience and some tips I picked up! 

1. My first tip is to buy a really good sharp slanted tweezers. I find the slanted tweezers pluck better as it doesn't pull the hair as much. 
2. Secondly I find that it's much less painful if you tweeze after having a shower as the hot water opens up your pores and the hairs pluck much easier, so it's less painful.
3. To make it even less painful pluck your eyebrows in the direction of the hair growth and get as close to the root as possible. 
4. Make sure to figure out the curve of your eyebrow. Your eyebrows should begin right above your tear duct, right in line with the outer side of your iris, and end at a point that falls 45 degrees from the outer corner of your eye.
5. Don't make your arch too high because it's going to look unnatural if you do.
6. Be careful not to over pluck when using a magnifying mirror. Sometimes it can give the indication that there are more hairs than there really is. Make sure to check if your over plucking every couple of tweezes. 
7. To soothe your eyebrows and keep down the redness apply some cold aloe vera, you can either use the actual plant or shop bought aloe vera gel.
8. Again, to make sure you don't over pluck tweeze your eyebrows in plenty of light.
9. Using a eyebrow pencil draw in your desired arch and eyebrow shape and pluck anything that falls below the pencil line.
10. Another tip to make it less painful is to apply some witch hazel to numb the area, or even try baby teething gel! It works just as good! 
11. Brush your brows into place before plucking and drawing your desired shape.
12. Using a facial cloth to clean your eyebrows before plucking to get rid of any makeup or oiliness that might be there, this will help to reduce redness afterwards! 

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