
4 January 2014

How To Clear Up Oily Skin!

Many of us are prone to oily skin which can lead and cause those dreaded breakouts so here's a few tips on how to clear up oily skin if you have it or want to avoid it. These tips are easy to follow and won't have you splashing the cash on expensive skin products or treatments which I am sure you'll be glad to hear, or in this case read. 

1. So the first tip is if you have oily skin stop washing and cleansing it so much. Washing the skin frequently can strip it bare of the minerals and nutrients it needs and this causes the skin to produce more oil. Now, I'm not saying stop washing it all together but just stop washing it so much. Experts recommend only washing your face twice and day and no more. 

2. Secondly, if you are prone to oily skin wash it with warm water and don't use any facial products as this is again taking away the minerals. Hot water dries out the skin a lot so just use luke warm water. Hot water encourages oil production on the skin.

3. The healthier you are the healthier your skin will be. Avoid junk food as much as you can and avoid processed foods too. Try eating more raw veg and including more fruit in your diets as this supplies you with vitamins your skin need. 

4. Getting more sleep and exercise is proven to help skin look healthier and prevent breakouts. Also get a little bit of sunshine as sun gives your body vitamin D which is good for skin. But remember to wear sunscreen as you don't want to damage your skin with UBV and UVA!

5. Using moisturiser is good, but for oil prone skin cut back on using it as it puts more moisture on your face which you don't want.


  1. Nice Tips! I also maintain these to prevent my skin from getting oily. Also i prefer obagi skin care products to get rid of different type of skin troubles.Obagi Nu Derm starter kit has the ability to turn your skin from oily to normal skin.


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