
3 March 2014

5 tips to clear blackheads!

Sick of blackheads? They're not something anybody wants on their face - EVER because they are ew, but it's really only you who notices them. Follow these 5 simple tips to keep them at bay!

1. Exfoliate!
There is countless ways to get rid of blackheads, but try avoid using chemicals to do it!
Baking Soda
Ex-foliating with baking soda helps to buff away the dry skin on your face, preventing clogged pores! The micro-dermabrasion sized particles in the baking soda removes those blackheads. Make sure to do this regularly but not too much either. If you want to remove those dead skin cells even quicker use milk, as it contains lactic acid which removes dead skin or even better buttermilk which has even more lactic acid

2. Pore Strips.
Pore strips are a God send to remove blackheads! Most contain chemicals so click here to make chemical free, home made pore strips -->
They are brilliant because they actually work! Dampen the area where you are going to use the pore strip and press it on and leave for about 10-15 minutes and rip it off like a band aid! Quick and kinda painless ... hopefully...

3. Clay Masks.
Clay masks are brilliant for removing those dreaded blackheads. They kinda work like a magnet by drawing out the impurities in your skin such as blackheads.. Try using a deep cleansing mask to see better results! 

Honey is a natural anti-biotic and the sticky consistency helps to pull out those blackheads. Dab on some honey onto the area that needs to be treated and quickly pat the skin repeatedly to pull the blackheads out. The sticker the honey the better! Do this for 3 minutes or so and rinse the face afterwards. 

5. Quick Tips:

  • wash your pillow cases weekly as they collect dead skin and oil. (ew)
  • never squeeze or pick spots because its ew and spreads them .. I'll say it again ew. 
  • avoid harsh chemicals while washing your skin, try using the honey in the evening and water the morning. Use the exfoliater once a week ..
  • use blotting paper to soak up any oil during the day to prevent it clogging up

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