
26 March 2014

Chris and Gwyneth: It's Over

Sorry to say it, but one of my most fave celeb couples have decided to spilt after 10 years of marriage ! (sadface). Click read more for all the deets!

It is with hearts full of sadness that we have decided to separate. We have been working hard for well over a year, some of it together, some of it separated, to see what might have been possible between us, and we have come to the conclusion that while we love each other very much we will remain separate. We are, however, and always will be a family, and in many ways we are closer than we have ever been. We are parents first and foremost, to two incredibly wonderful children and we ask for their and our space and privacy to be respected at this difficult time. We have always conducted our relationship privately, and we hope that as we consciously uncouple and coparent, we will be able to continue in the same manner.
Gwyneth & Chris

The annoucement was posted on the Oscar winner's website on Tuesday March 25th along with a heartbreaking cute photo of the pair back a few years ago. 

The couple have two children together Apple and Moses. I think the cutest thing about Chris and Gwyneth is that it has been speculated that Chris wrote Coldplay's hit song Fix You for Gwyneth while she was grieving the death of her father.  
Maybe they might get back together? Hopefully? We can all hope right? 
Comment below or tweet us @KazAndKelzBlog and let us know what you think about the split.. I'm so upset, I love them together! 
Lets just take a look of some of their cutest moments together... queue the small violins 

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