
23 March 2014

Get off the couch and start moving!

Admit it ... your new year, new you is gone out the window (if not .. give yourself a well deserved pat on the back) and you're telling yourself you'll start next year. Well my new years resoloution was to be fit and healthly but let's just say I forgot about it. I managed to pull myself off the couch and away from the computer and I started running and I am pretty pleased with myself that I haven't stopped yet. So if you need an excuse to move off the couch then keep reading! 

And your reasons to get off the couch start now: 

Exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer by up to 50% according to the NHS.
- nobody wants to have to suffer from any of these so MOVE! 

Exercise makes you happier FACT.
- feeling down lately? Then there is no better time to get out running, walking or whatever.. you will instantly feel better as exercise releases endorphins in the body which is a feel good hormone. Exercise has been proven to help reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. 

Exercise makes you look better.
- It helps to burn calories while working out (and after with regular exercise) which in turn will help you lose weight and tone up your legs and tummy.

It helps keep you brain sharp.
- Keeping fit helps to improve your mentality. It increases the levels of serotonin in the brain which in turn leads to improved clarity and mental function.

Adds years to your life.
- Exercise strengthens muscles and bones which will lead to more mobility when you get old.

Increases self esteem.
- Getting outside to exercise is proven to increase self esteem and more. Not only can you enjoy the fresh country air that you don't get at the gym you can enjoy the scenery as you go along..

Gives you energy during the day.
- Feel like you can't do a few chores without getting tired? Then you need to exercise! Working out gives you more energy during the day to be more productive. 

Increases creativity.
- Have a lack of creativity? Get out for a run or a walk and refresh your brain! Cardiac exercise is proven to boost creativity for up to 2 hours after exercise! 

Helps relaxation.
- Moving around 5-6 hous before bedtime raises the body's core temp. When it drops back to normal a few hours after it signals the body that its time to sleep! 

It prevents cognitive decline.
- It's sad but true that as we get older our brain gets a little .. hazy. Exercise while you're young helps to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers or dementia as it boosts chemicals in the brain that prevents the dengeneration of the hippocampus (important park of the brain for memory and learning) 

Improve self confidence.
- Simply, exercise boost self esteem and self image regardless of weight or size it increases a person's perception of their attractiveness. 

If that isn't enough reason to get up and start exercising I don't know what it! 

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