
29 December 2013

My Top 10 songs of 2013!

This year is music was brilliant! So after scrolling through all the songs on my iPhone and watching YouTube videos I finally picked my top 10 songs of this year, it was really hard to choose but I did it. I think Miley Cyrus was definitely 2013's hottest artist after dominating the charts with We Can't Stop and Wrecking Ball! Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines was the hottest song this summer (I watched a parody of Blurred Lines and can't ever listen to the original, it's never going to be the same *sob*) and of course Lorde's song Royals which is being overplayed right now but I still love. There are other great songs that I loved this year but these songs were just my fave! 

1. Rightfully earning the first spot it has to be Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell Williams and Daft Punk, it was the HOTTEST song of this summer and has over 242 million views on YouTube .. wow! And I am in love with this song! 

2. She is the most controversial artist right now but Miley has to be at number 2 with We Can't Stop, let's face it we love to hate her but hate to love her! And the video? I think we all loved it too.. 

3. I was torn between 2 songs for the spot at number 3 but I decided it had to be Ylvis, What Does The Fox Say, this song makes no sense that I love it! It scored nearly 310 million hits on YouTube! 

4.It has to be Royals by Lorde, I am going to admit though that this song is getting on my nerves at the moment! It's overplayed on the radio but it still deserves to be in the top 5!

5.Earning the 5 place on my top 10 is Justin Timberlake with Mirrors! 

6. Number six is definitely going to be Best Song Ever by One Direction! Great music video and A LOT of hits on YouTube! 

7. Number 7 is going to be Wrecking Ball! I have to admit the music video might have been a little bit provocative but the song was great and we love Miley! 

8. Imagine Dragons, Radioactive is at number 8. I really like this song but I had to place it at number 8.

9. Second last spot goes to Icona Pop I Love It! It's a great song so it had to be in my top 10

10. Last but not least is Katy Perry Roar! I was torn for number 10 between this and Taylor Swift I Knew You Were Trouble, but Katy Perry earned it! It has over 293 million hits so it had to be Roar!  

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